Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Caring for neck

At the neck of cosmetic deficiencies evident in weak, flabbiness, hanging-down, shrilling. Sometimes the skin of the neck may show a variety of spots.
Because of the Effects of wind and solar, leather neck quickly loses its elasticity, flexibility, it becomes flabby and hanging-down. Elasticity and flexibility is lost, also of the permanent head of similar movements (slope turns, etc.). Wrinkles, furrows and folds around the neck are especially easy for people accustomed to keep the head lowered, pressed chin to your chest or sleep on the high cushion. Under the influence of these habits are already at a young age sometimes changes occur around the neck. On the front surface of the neck identifies longitudinal wrinkles, skin under the chin starts to hang down, a double chin, a rear neck accumulate fat deposits. These changes freak neck and an old woman, usually women, wishing to conceal flabbiness, hanging-down and other changes in the neck, are the dress with high collar, cover around the neck scarves, neckerchief, etc. However, concealing defects in the neck, all this does not diminish, but further aggravates flabbiness skin and contribute to the deepening of existing wrinkles.
A number of internal diseases, especially the liver, gallbladder, menopause predispose to the appearance of yellow, brown and dark brown spots on the neck and chest. In addition to dark spots on the neck are also reddening with type sketches.
The shape and size of spots are different. Blemishes on the neck can occur as a result of skin diseases. For example, after denying colorful neck long leather is spotted. Education spots on the neck can contribute to sunburn.
After thirty years, each woman should follow the state of the neck skin and its overall appearance. First and foremost, need to learn how to properly hold. Human position is important to preserve the neck. The issue of posture is not just aesthetic. Incorrect posture impedes the work of internal organs. If the head inclined, and shoulders dropped, the difficult breathing, the front surface of the neck muscles relax, leather hang down, is going to fold, and the rear are fat pads. It is necessary to keep the head high, shoulders smooth not pressed chin to his chest, sit and walk straight. In such a situation the body and head neck muscles remain elastic and leather neck is not going to fold.
To preserve the neck skin in good condition, it is important to properly care for her. This requires daily wash neck with cold water and soap. During the washing should massage his neck, stroke lathery her hands from top to bottom.
If the neck skin over dark shades than skin person, it should be before lubricating cream wipe wad of cotton wool soaked lemon, cucumber or tomato juice. Any of these juices can also add in the cream. At each lubrication is enough to add to the cream scoops half teaspoon of lemon, cucumber or tomato juice. You can also wipe the neck directly slice lemon, cucumber and tomatoes. This preparation whiten it creates harmony and color, neck and face.
If you care for the neck is crucial special gymnastics, maintain a proper contours of the neck, forcing the right to keep his head, Strengthen and enhance blood circulation in muscles of the skin, improve nutrition them. By strengthening muscles, gymnastics ago neck skin smooth, elastic and elastic.

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